Take control of your inventory.

Become data driven.

Enable smarter inventory control.

  • Optimize Productivity

    With advanced tracking technology, you can minimize the risk of human error.

  • Automate Tracking

    With RFID, so you can know the movement of every item in your inventory.

  • Simplify Decision Making

    With real-time data and actionable insights to drive business agility.

Eliminate Major Inventory Obstacles


Wasted time & Lack of sight

Depending on visually assessing your inventory makes you vulnerable to costly human errors.

Inaccurate inventory control

Inventory is usually a hectic and long operation process, that's why it's not done regularly.

Wastful & Costly operation

Other than being a hassle, doing the inventory mostly requires an unnecessary overhead.

Increased theft risk

Not keeping track of your inventory at all times means you're more prone to thefts.

What we can do for you

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RFID Solutions

Radio Frequency Identification, or RFID, works by installing a smart tag to your inventory, that allows it to be tracked by a specific reader. The system is fully automated and enables you to wirelessly identify, localize and track your products and assets.


Custom Solutions

Sometimes what you are looking for is not readily available off the shelf, this is where ATS custom solutions comes in. We analyze your needs and business objectives and craft custom software solutions that integrate seamlessly with your current technology environment. We help you develop platforms, web solutions, and mobile apps that enable your business digitally and help you succeed in today’s digital environment.

Ready to update your inventory control?

Contact our expert team to learn which solution works best for you.